Vintage Vinyls Quilt Record Block Tutorial!

Let’s concur those curves!

I am so excited to announce that the Vintage Vinyls Quilt is available in my shop! Vintage Vinyls was born from my love of live music and collecting vinyl records (including vintage). Vintage Vinyls has three options: Improv Throw, Standard Throw and Baby. With so many options, you can really make this quilt anything you want it to be!

I know that curves can be intimidating and this pattern has 2 curves- the record and the label. But don’t be scared! With patience and practice we will get you sewing curves!

Record Block

The Record block is featured in all three quilts. It is the full record block (2 halves assembled) in all three quilts, and the half records in the Standard and Baby Quilt. I have recorded a video tutorial that I hope will help you from cutting to final assembly!


Improv Record

I am partial the improv throw, my original design and the cover are based on it. It allows the most flexibility with the record blocks. What I love is that you make a slightly smaller version of the full record and then you get to trim the block to how little or much you want the record coming out of the sleeve. It gives some variety to the quilt! It also does require the most half circle assemblies but they do go quickly.


You did it!

I hope these tutorials have helped! Remember to tag @HouseofVinesStudio and #VintageVinylsQuilt when you post your photos!

Thank you!


Vintage Vinyls (1).png

Untitled design (2).png

Hi, I am Melissa! I am a pattern designer and quilter! Welcome!


Vintage Vinyls Quilt!