Our Story

Modern and Heirloom Quilts


Welcome to House of Vines Studio! I am Melissa Demand (she/her).

I live in Austin, TX with my husband and two kids. During the day, I am a fundraiser for a national non-profit and have my Masters of Social Work. Outside of that, I am a quilter, pattern designer, and an artist. I love being creative and using things I have to freshen up life.

I have been sewing for over 15 years, when I bought my first machine- a Janome Sewist. My mom taught me to sew. She is an amazing sewist who made everything we wore growing up, including our prom dresses. And she had her own sewing business. I always remember her on her machine while we played during the summers.

I fell in love with quilting and made some baby quilts here and there, but really got into sewing more in the past 4 years (after my youngest wasn’t an infant anymore). I have learned so much from the quilting community and built my skills. I also enjoy sewing garments for my daughter and things for around the house. Being crafty is in my bones.

Although, my life is super busy, I find quilting to be therapeutic. And of course, in the middle of virtual school, work from home and Covid, I decided to take a pattern design course and start my own business. I hope you will enjoy this space as much as I do.

You will find blog tutorials, patterns and ideas to spark creativity in your own life! If you have any thoughts or suggestions, please let me know!